Saturday, July 3, 2010

Adventure: Blog!

I'm going to jump in with both feet! (Both literally and figuratively) Today is a rainy, sleepy day with plenty of puddles to soak my feet, and it's also a great day to jump into the blogging world. I write to you now after a request by my dear friend Sherri Huang with the hope of bringing you a new picture (almost) every day that will give you a glimpse of where I am and what I'm up to so as I explore you can too!! This will also force me to keep a weather eye out for cool things to do in life, instead of the same old boring day to day. (Really please slap me if I constantly post pictures of me doing online jigsaw puzzles or watching Bones on Hulu!) Now to get back to writing Vacation Bible School curriculum with mommy dearest. Best wishes to all. Keep a weather eye on the horizon! ~ Kyria

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, dearest Kyria! I think your picture posts idea is great. I can't wait to follow along with your adventures. <3
