Thursday, July 8, 2010

Adventure: Patience!

Hey! Happy (belated) 4th of July!!! I hope everyone enjoyed their fourth!! Ours was quite wet and soppy though the rain did stop long enough for fireworks; even so, most of the afternoon was a complete wash. My dad had gotten us tickets to see the Redhawks who are the minor league baseball team in OKC. We were all excited and even got there early but after a 1.5 hour delay to "prep the field" they called off the game entirely and then we sat there for another hour waiting for the fireworks which were nice but totally overshadowed by the fact that we just got back from Disneyland where the fireworks not only DON'T have a country western soundtrack and are a few times bigger . Then we got stuck in the parking lot for two hours waiting for the traffic to clear up so we could go home because all of the police in the area were arresting people involved in what looked to be a shooting down by the movie theater instead of directing traffic. Alas, alas! *faints from the sheer weight of such a horrific pain* It was fun though and we had plenty of time just to hang out; Plus now we can go see a nice sunny happy baseball game some other time!

Again Happy Independence Day! May you always appreciate your freedom from England and remember: keep a weather eye to the horizon...

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